Previously, men have typically displayed a lack of interest in their physical and mental health especially when you compare their behaviour to women.

This is not a beneficial behaviour when it comes to the survival of the male species! Especially true when the male of the species is carrying around a “beer belly” – this is just another way of saying they may have Syndrome X (the chemical imbalance which stops them losing weight).

Thankfully, things are changing, we now have magazines dedicated to men’s health (and we don’t mean Playboy!) Still, it’s often only the younger generation that seem to look after themselves . . .  that is if they are lucky enough to avoid the wrong company, binge drinking and toxic party drugs.

Compared to women, men tend to avoid doctors, complementary health care practitioners, medical checkups and psychologists; they also avoid sharing their physical, emotional and sexual concerns with their mates.

The reasons are multiple and complex –

  • They think it is not “man-like” to complain
  • They are educated to be “tough”
  • They are terrified of finding out that something could be seriously wrong “down there”
  • They are highly embarrassed to have health problems
  • They think that health problems are inevitable and can’t be helped (so why bother with the embarrassment of going to find out)
  • They have a closed mind to natural healing
  • They are driven to succeed and admitting a fault could slow them down

Excess weight could be damaging their masculinity

Weight gain affects men’s testosterone levels adversely and men who become obese experience a fall in this hormone. This loss of testosterone may vary from mild to severe and can dramatically change the way a man feels and functions.

Testosterone is found in far greater amounts in men than women. It promotes the growth of muscle mass and maintains bone density. Testosterone also keeps sex drive, motivation, stamina and physical energy at healthy levels. Testosterone also promotes a positive mood and state of mind.

In overweight men, the levels of this wellness promoting hormone are often too low with a very negative effect upon their quality of life.