SHARE Your Journey

By submitting My Journey, I grant permission for my first name and last name initial to be used when displaying my personal story. I understand that Sandra Cabot MD reserves the right to determine which submissions will be posted.
Would you like to share your journey about how you live with or have overcome a health problem or chronic disease? We love great stories that show people that when you treat the cause of a disease you increase your chances of success.
Integrative medicine is powerful, scientific, evidence based and sustainable and yet not enough people know about it – help spread the word!
This is a chance for you to share your personal experience and have your words seen by thousands of other people who could be helped by your insights.
Please remember:
- Other readers could benefit from your insights, just as you might benefit from theirs.
- What you feel is most important, will likely be important to others.
- Your privacy will be protected by just using your first name and last name initial.