
Serves 3 You might think a cold soup sounds terrible, but if you like a coffee- then you love an iced coffee right?  So give this a go. 3-4 Tomatoes [...]

Detox Soup

It is always the right season for a detox! This soup must be consumed as one of your meals each day for the duration of the detox. You may have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You could make a large amount on weekends, or when you have more time, and consume leftovers during the week.

The Healing Power of Mushrooms

There are many varieties of mushrooms- those growing from the ground that can be described as anything from tasty to trippy to downright and quite seriously deadly. Then there are your medicinal mushrooms- medicinal mushrooms predominantly grown from trees- although you still need caution in making sure you identify your mushroom before ingesting it.

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