No More Fatty Liver For Me

In Autumn of 2012, I spent three days doubled over in agony. My local doctor organised for me to have some tests and these tests revealed that I had a very enlarged colon. The advice I was given was not to eat foods with seeds or ground peppercorns. A remark was also made to me that I had a very fatty liver, and this was never mentioned again.

Healing My Fatty Liver

When I finally gave up smoking after almost 30 years, I realised that I would probably put some weight on and I was prepared for that. What I did not expect was to find I now had a fatty liver. A simple blood test showed that my liver was now showing signs of being infiltrated with fat. I knew if I did nothing about it, I could very well end up with some nasty health problems.

Liver Cleansing Diet – I Feel Amazing!

I have been on the liver cleansing diet for three weeks and have already lost 13 pounds! I feel amazing! For the past year, I've been having gnawing right upper quadrant pain, just under my right ribcage. I was sure it was my gallbladder and put off talking to my doctor about it because I am in the middle of an intense Paramedic program. Finally, I had an ultrasound done.

My Liver Transformation

Most people don’t know how to eat, I know I never did. I was a small but a fast kid when I was young, I was taught in school about the pyramid food cycle with the grains, proteins, vegetables and the like, but never really paid attention to what they meant. I guess I and we as a nation are really not ever taught how and what to eat that is right for our body.

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