Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem and often causes great psychological distress. It can occur in only a small area of the scalp, the fronto-temporal areas of the scalp, the top of the scalp or all over the scalp. Thinning hair is a common complaint in both men and women.

It is normal to lose some hair each day; however, excessive hair loss can be sign of an underlying health problem, so it is essential to know what is causing the excess hair loss so you can get the right treatment.

Hair loss and women – What causes it?

  • After surgery/illness
  • Hormonal changes and/or imbalances
  • Stress, emotional and/or physical
  • Hereditary factors
  • Aging
  • Fungal or bacterial infections of the scalp
  • Trauma to the scalp
  • Side effects from medication or chemotherapy
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, scleroderma, alopecia etc.
  • Androgenic pattern hair loss (this is hair loss in a male pattern on the top and front and sides of the scalp), and can occur in women and men
  • Poor diet and nutritional deficiencies
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction – both under and overactive thyroid

Hair loss and menopause

Changes in hormone levels during peri-menopause and post menopause – nearly half of all women experience some hair loss and hair thinning during this time.

Androgenic pattern hair loss

Androgenic (male pattern) hair loss can affect approximately 20 percent of all women. There may be a family history of this and it can start at any age, although usually after the age of 20. The cause is thought to be a high sensitivity of the hair follicles to the male hormone, testosterone. The hair thins at the top, the front and at the sides (temporal areas). If testosterone levels are high, you can use medications that block male hormones and these are used in men and women and need a doctor’s prescription. In women, medications that block testosterone are cyproterone acetate and spironolactone and they can work well to reduce male pattern balding. They also reduce excess facial and body hair and acne.

If hormonal imbalances are suspected, then a blood test to check your hormone levels with your doctor will be necessary. Check testosterone levels, vitamin B 12, CRP, serum iron studies, full blood count and thyroid function.

Raw juicing

Raw juicing may help thicken the hair.

Juice to thicken the hair


  • 1 cup alfalfa sprouts
  • 2 cabbage leaves or 2 Brussels sprouts
  • 1 cup broccoli florets
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 lemon or lime
  • 1/2 medium beetroot and tops
  • 1 orange


  1. Wash, trim and chop, and process through juicer.

General recommendations

Hair health requires good nutrition so you should increase your essential fatty acids from raw nuts, chia and hemp seeds and oily fish. Eat a low carbohydrate diet high in vegetables with healthy proteins such as eggs, cheese, Greek yogurt, meat, poultry and seafood. If low in iron, take an iron supplement.

If skin disorders are suspected, see a dermatologist.

Recommended books

Don’t Let Hormones Ruin Your Life

Raw Juices Can Save Your Life

Recommended supplements for hair loss

  • Hair, Skin and Nail Food
    Take 2 capsules daily – this formula contains the essential nutrients to strengthen your hair and will help promote the growth of healthy hair.
  • MSM with Vitamin C
    Take one teaspoon daily – MSM is an organic sulfur known as Methyl Sulfonyl Methane and is combined with Vitamin C in our formula. Sulfur is essential for the formation of connective tissue, including collagen and elastin in hair fibers. Sulfur can improve the health and strength of your hair, nails and skin. The sulfur from MSM is derived from an all natural vegetable source and is different to the sulfur found in synthetic sulfur-containing drugs. Vitamin C is especially important for the formation of collagen. Deficiency of vitamin C is common and can lead to poor quality hair.
  • Femmephase
    This formula is excellent for women with hair loss due to hormonal imbalances; the dose is one to two capsules twice daily. This formula contains phyto-estrogens and female herbs to support low estrogen levels.
  • Fem Pro – Natural Progesterone Cream
    One dose = 1/2 turn of the self-dispensing lid = 1/4 teaspoon of the cream = 35 mg of progesterone. Progesterone cream has many benefits and one of them is to promote the growth of thicker hair, improve hair condition and support low progesterone levels.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.


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